(click for Nullify Trump)
Historic Documents
Disclaimer: This site exists for the exploratory and certain practical purposes of testing theoretical and assumed consent powers in the 9th Amendment, even Declaration of Independence, for the protection of the Constitution against the threats posed by enemies both foreign and domestic. It is acknowledged and conceded that such powers are largely untested in court and politic, and mostly undefined short of this exercise. Additionally, it is somewhat legally ambiguous to both claim and work inside of the current system of jurisprudence and federal governance while simultaneously holding it accountable against the missteps of both major parties to the chagrin of conflicts of interest by legal counsel. Further, futility abounds in the respect that such exploratory authority has no real enforcement outside of failed and partially successful attempts to petition courts and officials as a matter of course and law, because to do so would cause irreparable harm in crossing the line of unthinkable and unimaginable risk. However, in gaining traction politically, some of our positions and petitions have been instrumental in changing policy and practice while supplanting and mitigating both misguided and dictatorial rule, yet simultaneously stopping egregious laws and corrupt acts from taking root by bringing them to light and forcing the issue to bear. In effect, we have kept unrestrained power at bay and found safe harbor for liberty. And, we continue this fight so long as it remains in our purview and purpose. ~Stephen L. Rush Constitutional Defender
We The People.
It is Our Heritage, Our Right, Our Fight ~ For Freedom.
Because YOUR Civil Liberties Matter!