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By overwhelming petition on the part of the people, imperative for their protection, do return order to government, so as to attend to correcting the plethora of attempts to deny and abridge civil liberties.



The Board is registered as a non-partisan national local governing body, answerable to the people.  The people who make up the Board are volunteers, and freely participate in contributing ideas and time as long as they adhere to applicable law and do not propagate hatred, malice, violence or partisan agendas.


The Board is made up of concerned citizens that are disgusted with corruption in government and laws that treat life and liberty as as something to overcome.  Officers of the Board serve when they can, as they can.  Like the founding fathers, these generally do not wish for their faces to be made known to the public and are concerned about retribution.


This body does not recognize federal law at odds with or that frustrates the Constitution.  Click here for more about us.  Contributions are welcome* for us to be able to continue the work (click here to give now).

*Will of the People is a fee-based agency.  Contributions are considered political in support of the federal recall.  Contributions are accountable through a political action committee.  The PAC is registered with one federal agency.  Other federal agencies are under investigation by this board.



Will of the People Constitutional Authority Board's approach is unique.  Will of the People agency is nationally registered as a local governmental agency with constitutional authority.  There are government accountability organizations, often limited by 501c(3) legal restrictions and generally have one specific areas of focus.  Not so with Will of the People.  There are those who have attempted a federal recall from a state level in support of state's rights.  This federal recall is people-initiated of, by and for the people.  There are special interest groups that have attempted a partisan approach to remove a few people or a certain person from office.  Will of the People agency is non-partisan and seeks equitable laws.  Together, these qualities are unique.


If you would like to find out more about us, click here.



We The People.

It is Our Heritage, Our Right, Our Fight  ~  For Freedom.

Because YOUR Civil Liberties Matter!

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